It is time to discuss about what readers, in general, would want to read and what they don’t want to. There are just writings that people tend to flock to or avoid at any cost. There are several factors involved in identifying what readers will surely want to read, regardless of the subject.
Writing is not just about generating income, it is also an art that should be made closer to perfection with every words. Below are some tips that I see effective writers apply.
Tip #1: Avoid redundant sentences.

Image by: Charlotte D
If you haven’t noticed yet after reading the first tip, the first
paragraph’s first and last sentence talk about the same thing: what
readers want to read. It should not go like that, once or twice is
pardonable but several of those redundant sentences would just irritate
your readers. Doing such congests their minds.Tip #2: If there’s a word for it, use it.

Writers, especially those who are very particular with SEO, would always think of word count and use all possible keywords which might exhaust the readers that would make them just go away. An eloquent writing is best for instructional and creative writing. This will also balance quality and quantity.
Tip #3: It is always ‘your’ not ‘our’.

Image by: Andrew Beierle
You are the writer, you tell; your readers will gain more confidence
on you and your writing if it seems to them that you are in a far away
place and not among them. Say “your website will look great with this
add-on!” instead of saying “our website will look great…” Besides,
‘your’ sounds better.Tell your readers things that will make their life better in every faculties possible. Make them feel important, because they really are! (Really, YOU are important!)
Tip #4: Do not command, just suggest.
Your readers don’t want you to be commanding them to do things. Instead of saying “use this tool” say “I find this tool very useful”. Although the phrase points to you finding the tool “very useful” it will give the reader an idea that it is indeed good, and might use it. Everyone has their ego to protect, yes it applies here too. A declarative sentence is more favorable than a command sentence.You should follow these steps for you to be a good writer. Instant turn-off.
Tip #5: Strong words, strong memory.

Image by: Artem Chernyshevych
Make your sentences strong enough so that you won’t have to repeat
it. Doing this will automatically earn you your medal for abiding by Tip
#1.People quote favorite movie lines, or from a book, because these impacted them in a way so strong they can’t just simply forget. Keep in mind that a strong word is sometimes backed-up by another word next to it, or before it.
Tip #6: Let them guess.

Image by: Rose Ann
Tip #7: Figures of speech.

Tip #8: Humor.

Tip #9: Try before suggesting.
Nothing beats experience, really. I will not suggest things to my readers which I have not yet tried and proven. I fear seeing a comment below my article saying “&#^(@# that ruined the whole development process!!!” or read “That is so outdated.” Your credibility as a writer is on the line in everything you write, it is subject to many criticisms so better be cautious and share only what you have experienced first-hand or has a good knowledge of, even theoretical.Tip #10: Read others’ work.

I have never seen anything so insubstantial that I never learned something from.
In a Nutshell:
- Avoid redundant sentences.
- If there’s a word for it, use it.
- It is always ‘your’ not ‘our’.
- Do not command, just suggest.
- Strong words, strong memory.
- Let them guess.
- Figures of speech.
- Humor.
- Try before suggesting.
- Read other’s work.
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