In the course of life the human brain learns a lot, preserves it and
utilizes the knowledge to guide every other organ in our body. Your
brain knows you well. But have you ever attempted to know how hard your
brain works? If no, here are some really interesting human brain facts
that induce your thirst on brain.
Gray cell matter – pink or gray
When a man is alive, his nerve cells in the brain seems in the color pink. After his death it will turn into gray.
Your brain can power a light bulb
Our brain is a great energy resource. While you awake, it generates
20 to 23 watts of power. This energy is more than enough to power a
light bulb.
Big spender of oxygen & heart power
Although the human brain weights only 2 to 3% of our total body, it
demands 20% of the oxygen. It also takes 15% of total power produced by
our heart.
Don’t blame your brain for Headaches
Your brain can’t feel a pain because it has no pain receptors. You
may have heard “when people feel a headache, they say it’s the brain
which plagues them” but in real , the nerve impulses which transmits the
pain to the surrounded receptors of the brain are the real culprits.
Got amazed with facts about the brain? Read on. Still you have many
surprises along the way
Reading aloud promotes a brain development
It’s indeed, one of the strange facts about the brain because we
usually teach our children to read and talk politely. But to promote a
brain development in your child, you should read and talk aloud in front
of them.
Strange control
Your left part of the brain controls and manage right side of the
body. Your right part of the brain controls left side of the body. Yeah
it operates mutually.
Your brain can create strange illusions at great heights
When you climb over 8,000 ft likely on the mountain, your body will
start to feel an oxygen deprivation. It affects your brain cells which
are responsible for the visual & facial identification processing.
As a result, your naked eyes will see very strange illusions like kind
of light that emanates from yourself or others; even you can see the
second body of your own. Yes, that’s what we call as ghost. In such
cases if you are lucky your brain will show you fairies else it may show
you the horrible ghosts.
So if you get oxygen deprivation, you don’t need to go up to hill to meet the ghosts.
It is not only a joke that makes you laugh
A simple joke can’t make you laugh. In fact, to make you laughter 5
different areas in your brain should perform a simultaneous activity.
How do people fall in love?
Hormone called Oxytocin, triggers the feel of love in the brain so simply people fall in love.
Table knife is enough to cut our brain into pieces
Can you believe if I say 80% of your brain is just made out of water
(glia)? Since it is a very soft tissue when compare to all other organs
in your body, just a table knife is enough to cut your brain into
Why all geeks prefer to work at night?
Have you ever asked them? I let you know why. It is because, our
brain will stay more active during nights than it works during day time.
Brain games or music – which one really helps your brain?
If you think brain games help to sharpen your brain, it’s the time to
reconsider your thoughts. Researchers have revealed these games do
nothing to your brain. But when you hear music , it helps you in
organize the chaos, grows concentration power, updates memory and also
refreshes your brain. Start enjoying the music!
Unchangeable size
Your brain had the same weight just as now when you born.
People shop more when they are sad
Sounds strange? But it’s a proven fact. People who are experiencing the blues tend to shop more to alleviate their sadness.
Mass storage device
The Human brain can hold more than 10 Tera Bytes of data. Never show
your hesitation to learn new things. Still you have Tera bytes of data
yet to be filled.You will never run out of space.
Hope you have enjoyed all facts about the brain. Here is the final strange fact about the human brain.
Although we as human, have conquered the entire world with our
innovations, the way our brain works still remains as a mystery. As your
attitude and brain function always stays connected, keep yourself happy
and let the smile spread on your face.
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